Logo Editing Wiki

If any vandalism occurs here, report the user to FANDOM or notify one of our admins. Our staff will try our best to prevent the wiki from getting vandalized!


Logo Editing Wiki
Policy page
This is a policy page, which mainly contains sets of rules or wiki policies.

Check for updates on rules. This policy page's last update was on 28 September 2024. If you don't have permission or privileges, don't move or rollback this article.

- Logo Editing Wiki

This wiki is safe for anyone to contribute to, but it also comes with rules. Everyone, including our staff members, must abide by the following rules.

General Rules

  1. Respect others in the wiki, especially our staff.
  2. Do not vandalize nor spam anywhere in the wiki.
  3. Do not use vulgar and strong language.
  4. FANDOM only allows anyone over the age of 13 to use the platform.
    • If you suspect that anyone in the wiki is under the age of 13, you may report them to FANDOM.

Wiki Discussion Rules

  1. Do not start any discussion if it is off-topic, which does not talk about logo editing.
  2. Suggestions for the wiki are allowed, but creating pages and asking for help are allowed too.
  3. Do not share or create posts to go after a certain person/people.
  4. Do not create discussion posts which contain vulgar and foul language.
    • Swearing and inappropriate slang are prohibited.
    • Do not use racial slurs and stereotypes that are against a certain race.
  5. Posts which contain media that violate FANDOM's guidelines will be deleted.

Editing Rules / Guidelines

  1. Creating pages that do not meet with the main wiki topic is prohibited.
  2. Do not create a page if...
    • ...you have found no information to add to the page.
    • ...it will contain vandalism as its first or following edits.
      • Only include images (screenshots or deciptions) of vandalism as examples or evidence of a certain section of a page.
    • ...you think against it will be the wiki or FANDOM's policies.
    • ...it will represent negativity towards a certain person/people.
    • ...it's written in another language.
      • The wiki's default language is English.
  3. Do not add any inappropriate content onto pages.
  4. Do not create a page with its pre-loaded formats left unedited.
  5. The effect needs to have more than 1 YouTube user to have an article.
  6. The YouTuber needs to have an account. Exceptions apply if they're known on a different platform e.g. TikTok.