This is a policy page, which mainly contains sets of rules or wiki policies.
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This wiki is safe for anyone to contribute to, but it also comes with rules. Everyone, including our staff members, must abide by the following rules.
General Rules
- Respect others in the wiki, especially our staff.
- Do not vandalize nor spam anywhere in the wiki.
- Do not use vulgar and strong language.
- FANDOM only allows anyone over the age of 13 to use the platform.
- If you suspect that anyone in the wiki is under the age of 13, you may report them to FANDOM.
Wiki Discussion Rules
- Do not start any discussion if it is off-topic, which does not talk about logo editing.
- Suggestions for the wiki are allowed, but creating pages and asking for help are allowed too.
- Do not share or create posts to go after a certain person/people.
- Do not create discussion posts which contain vulgar and foul language.
- Swearing and inappropriate slang are prohibited.
- Do not use racial slurs and stereotypes that are against a certain race.
- Posts which contain media that violate FANDOM's guidelines will be deleted.
Editing Rules / Guidelines
- Creating pages that do not meet with the main wiki topic is prohibited.
- Do not create a page if...
- have found no information to add to the page.
- will contain vandalism as its first or following edits.
- Only include images (screenshots or deciptions) of vandalism as examples or evidence of a certain section of a page.
- think against it will be the wiki or FANDOM's policies.
- will represent negativity towards a certain person/people.
-'s written in another language.
- The wiki's default language is English.
- Do not add any inappropriate content onto pages.
- Do not create a page with its pre-loaded formats left unedited.
- The effect needs to have more than 1 YouTube user to have an article.
- The YouTuber needs to have an account. Exceptions apply if they're known on a different platform e.g. TikTok.