Future Changes (August 04, 2023)
Hello fellow wiki contributors! Main founder/admin here to announce future changes to the wiki. Starting today through the end of September of this year, the following changes to the wiki will occur and you can help too:
- The "Logo Editors" category will only contain sub-categories, such as "Retired Logo Editors" and "Logo Editors from Spain". This means that all pages about logo editors should have "[[Category:Logo Editors]]" removed from the page.
- To remove it from a page, go to the three dots on the top-right corner of the article and click "Edit source". Now scroll down until you see the article's assign categories. Now select/highlight [[Category:Logo Editors]] and delete it.
- All pages about logo editors will have over 10 redirects. Logo editors with old names will have redirects. (ex: TimelyCentralVision1530 [old name] --> TulipPrimaryMediaCorporation7900 [new name])
- The Effects Navbox will have a rebrand soon, with all effects in their own categories, since the last one was kinda messy. Anyone can add effects to sections/categories.
- Any new pages that simply contain no information as its first and second edits, basically nothing but emptiness or "W.I.P", will be deleted immediately.
- Each country will have its own navigation box. At the time of writing this now, we only have two; {{Mexico}} and {{United States}}. But you can help create navboxes for any available country.
- There are more changes to come...
Thanks for reading! - OrangeBlue643, wiki founder and admin
== EDIT AS OF AUGUST 06, 2023 ==
Here are some other changes that will occur/must happen.
- The Logo Editing Community page will be available to edit for everyone, as it is in need of information to describe the main topic of this wiki.
- If there are any empty pages that either contain nothing but templates and "W.I.P" but cannot be deleted at this time, please add the {{Delete}} template onto the page, add a reason for deletion and it will be deleted by a staff member.
- If there are any pages about popular logo editors that are in serious need of information, please add information to it, such as history of channel, affiliates, trivia, and other information.
- If they are a co-founder of the community itself, please add as much information as you can.
- There will be a change in wiki rules, editing rules, and discussion rules. Keep an eye out for those.
- The timeline/year pages will have a major rebrand.
- There are more changes to come...
Thanks again, for reading! - OrangeBlue643, wiki founder and admin
== EDIT AS OF AUGUST 12, 2023 ==
Just one more thing...
Thanks again, for reading! - OrangeBlue643, wiki founder and admin