- $ormulator
- ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Major
- 1.0 4ormulator DUH
- 100% G-Major
- 100039 Major 2
- 1000 Flutes
- 1000 Flutes 2.0
- 1000 Flutes 3.0
- 1000 Flutes 5.0
- 1000 Flutes 7.0
- 1000 Flutes 9.0
- 100 Years Of Animated Crashes
- 103-DXI
- 13-DXI
- 14-DXI
- 1ormulator V1
- 2.0 DUH
- 2.0 Gothita MAX Flanged Saw
- 2010
- 2011
- 2011gretel
- 2012
- 2013
- 2014
- 2015
- 2016
- 2017
- 2018
- 2019
- 2020
- 2021
- 2022
- 2023
- 2024
- 2025
- 20th Century Fox Television 1995 Effects
- 21-DXI
- 22-DXI
- 2600 Flutes
- 2 X Sound Like Green Splaat
- 3.0 DUH
- 3 Octave Chord
- 432 Hertz Effect
- 4ormulator
- 4ormulator (Disambiguation)
- 4ormulator v0.5
- 4ormulator v1
- 4ormulator v10
- 4ormulator v11
- 4ormulator v12
- 4ormulator v13
- 4ormulator v14
- 4ormulator v15
- 4ormulator v16
- 4ormulator v17
- 4ormulator v18
- 4ormulator v19
- 4ormulator v1 2.0
- 4ormulator v2
- 4ormulator v20
- 4ormulator v21
- 4ormulator v22
- 4ormulator v23
- 4ormulator v24
- 4ormulator v25
- 4ormulator v26
- 4ormulator v27
- 4ormulator v28
- 4ormulator v29
- 4ormulator v3
- 4ormulator v30
- 4ormulator v31
- 4ormulator v32
- 4ormulator v33
- 4ormulator v34
- 4ormulator v4
- 4ormulator v41
- 4ormulator v5
- 4ormulator v5000009992947273733636333333333
- 4ormulator v6
- 4ormulator v7
- 4ormulator v74
- 4ormulator v8
- 4ormulator v9
- 4ormulator v953
- 5-Second Tennis
- 5th Preview 2l Effect
- 6.0 DUH
- 7.0 DUH
- 75-DXI
- 7M Oz FM
- 8.0 DUH
- 80s Synthoplaser effect
- 91-DXI
- 975 Productions
- A-Major
- A-Major Twirl
- ABCKidTV e The Jump
- AMTVE Major
- AM Radio
- AVS Tester
- AVS Video Editor
- AYSXIIGM3 Effect
- AZNhogs Productions
- A Better Name Than That Csupo Effects
- A Bit Random, Perhaps?
- Aaron Paulhamus
- Ableton Live
- Accordion Vocoder
- AcidHeliumChord
- AcidPowerChord
- AcidPowerFlangedSawChorded
- Acid Tangle
- Adventure Inlay Effect
- Aerophobia
- Afghanistan Klasky Csupo Effects 2
- Again 25 Csupo Effects
- AgroRysiusOfficial
- Aidan Gould
- Airy MAX Flanged Saw
- Alely Acosta
- Alex Zuma 2024
- Alexander H
- Alien Wave Major
- Alight Motion
- Alin Tecsan
- Alphabet lore hate g major 91
- Alphabetical Majors
- Andrewius Major
- AndroPlaysRBLX
- AndroidTechnologyDeviceEditor5679
- Androidthevideoeditor124
- Andrusha ̶s̶r̶ Effects
- AnemoneLovesOnceler
- Angel Gaines
- AngryViola
- Angry Effect
- Angry and Happy
- AnotherLogoer2024
- Another Klasky Csupo YTP
- AntiMystery Effect
- Anya Forger MAX Flanged Saw
- ApproximateOstrich
- Arceus MAX Flanged Saw
- Are You Sure X is in G-Major?
- Are You Sure X is in G-Major 7?
- Arkin Tongco
- Arnold Schwarzenegger Major
- Arseniy Zaykovsky
- Ashton Alexander Csupo Effects
- Asleep Effect
- Audacity (audio editor)
- Audievisualonline
- Autistic X
- Autovocoding
- AwesomeManOffical
- Awesome Chord
- Awsome
- Ayden Chong
- Aziz’s massive channel
- AzteKhord
- Aztec
- AzureGuy2004
- B-Major
- B-Major Twirl
- BBC 2 Ident 1964 Render Pack Collection Ultimate Extended
- BFB Leafy 763
- BMGC3DTBM Electronic Sounds
- BS-TBTV Combo
- BTLE64
- Baa Baa Black Sheep Major
- Baaaaaaa
- Backing voices
- Backing voices (LogoEffects2902)
- Bad One
- Bad Throat
- Bakery Csupo 1978 Effects
- Banana Cat Major (effect)
- Banjo Vocoder
- Basique
- Basser
- Basslogo4 Logo Render Pack
- Bayani Clowers Major 763
- Beauty
- Belarusian Power
- Benia Faoper
- Besso Darwisch
- Beth from Total Drama Sunglasses Major
- Bfdiblocky87
- Billy Gardiners
- Bird Csupo Effects
- Birds
- Bitter X
- Black Death Major
- Black and White Chorded
- Blacklight
- Blacsky Terpmpo
- Blind Effect
- Blind Effect 2.0
- Blind Major
- Blind Major 2.0
- Block Train Pyramid
- Bloo Csupo Effects
- Blubber
- BluePinkLavander4K97
- BlueSeaFlangedSawChorded
- BlueVoltageFlangedSawChorded
- BlueWaterFlangedSawChorded
- Blue Distorted Pitches
- Blue Major
- Blue Miserable
- Blue Whirlpool
- Blue and Pink Chorded Robot
- Blueberry Alabama
- Blueberry Juice
- Blueberry Pie Cookie MAX Flanged Saw
- Bluey MAX Flanged Saw
- Bonnie MAX Flanged Saw
- BorisFX
- Boul123 Major
- Boxscan.mp4scan.avi
- Boy Voice
- Boyfriend Pitch v2 Effects
- Braixen's 4ormulator v1
- Braixen MAX Flanged Saw
- Brass Major
- Brass Swell
- Brawling On Planetary Scales Chorded
- Braxton Hudson
- BrendenTehVideoEditingCommuncations5642
- BrighteningJessica
- Bromine
- Bronze Major
- Bruno Effects
- Bryce MAX Flanged Saw
- Bryndan Meyerholt
- BubbleSayoriChorded
- Bugs Bunny Costruzioni Forever!
- BulgeTVSwirlCyanYellow
- Bunnelby MAX Flanged Saw
- Burger King Commercial Effects
- C-Major
- CaillouTheCollector2018
- Cajon Pass Studios
- CalibratedZenithIronEffectsFactory561
- Canada
- Candy teh object thingy
- CapCut
- CapCut/Desktop
- CapCut Electronic Sounds
- Captain Garbage MAX Flanged Saw
- Caramel Arrow Cookie MAX Flanged Saw
- Caramel Choux Cookie MAX Flanged Saw
- Carl Fredricksen Csupo Effects
- CarlosLovesMakingVideos2008
- Carlos Jethro Masa
- Carlos Virgilio
- CatNap MAX Flanged Saw
- Caught A Cold
- CelestialNebulaGalaxyLogoEditor289
- Center Effects
- CeruleanYTPMVScans
- Chalkboard
- Cherry Blossom Cookie MAX Flanged Saw
- Cherry Cola Cookie MAX Flanged Saw
- Chiarey-Chan
- Chicken X
- Choir
- Chonies MAX Flanged Saw
- Chorded (effect)
- Chorded 2.0
- Chorded 3.0
- Chorded 4.0
- Chorded VHS
- Christopher Heers
- Chroma Vocoder
- ClearFlip
- Clearer
- Clearer 2
- Clearer 5
- Clipchamp
- Clock effects(effect compilation)
- Clotted Cream Cookie MAX Flanged Saw
- CloudsDayFlangedSawChorded
- CoNfUsIoN
- CoNfUsIoN G-Major 4
- Cocoa Cookie MAX Flanged Saw
- Coffee Candy Cookie MAX Flanged Saw
- CoinyTheLogoEditor219
- Color Major 1 (Arkin's Effect 8)
- Colorama
- Colorama Broker
- Combined Logo Effects 97
- Complex Pad
- Conga Busher
- ContentObjectionFreshingItemS.VideoEditing3547
- Control Center Major
- Converted to MIDI
- CoolGuy2004
- Coolness
- Copper Major
- CorportionVideoEffects546
- CosmicPowerfulRSVideoEditingEffects3927
- Cover
- CraftzyArts!
- Crazy Diamond
- Crazy Effect
- Crazy Helium Photo Video Booth
- Crazy Wave
- Cream Soda Cookie MAX Flanged Saw
- Creepy Glow
- Creepypasta Major
- Cringe (source)
- CristobalJArenas
- Crooked X
- Crunchy Chip Cookie MAX Flanged Saw
- Crying Effect
- Crystal
- CrystalStoneTinyTruePopCyanishGreenishEditor450
- Csupo Csupo
- CuddlesMedia5
- Curd
- Cursed effect
- Curtis Carr - Official Channel
- Cutter
- Cyaning Standard Major
- CyrynixLogoEditor65
- DA Network
- DDXofficial
- DERP WHAT THE FLIP Csupo Effects
- DNA Productions "Hi, I'm Paul!" Logo Effects vs. Everyone
- DX3050
- DanAndShayFX
- Danbytronic
- Danger Marker's G Major 289
- Daniel Chern
- Daniel Louie Major
- Daniil Anoli
- Dapohca
- Dark55
- Dark Purple Thermogram Major
- Darkynauta