Logo Editing Wiki

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Logo Editing Wiki

Chorded, also primarily known as Chord, is a basic IL Vocodex effect in the logo editing community. It was created by U-Man in 2014. The preset Chord, via IL Vocodex, is apart of the Immediate effects category.


In order to make Chorded, you will need to download IL Vocodex and its plug-ins onto the software. After you're done installing, apply these effects:


Current version[]

  1. Gradient Map - Chord
    • 0; R: 255, G: 255, B: 255, A: 255 [White]
    • 1; R: 0, G: 0, B: 255, A: 255 [Blue]
    • 2; R: 0, G: 255, B: 255, A: 255 [Cyan]

Early version[]

  1. Gradient Map - Chord (July 2014)
    • 0; R: 255, G: 255, B: 255, A: 255 [White]
    • 1; R: 0, G: 243, B: 255, A: 255 [Cyan]
    • 2; R: 0, G: 227, B: 53, A: 255 [Green]
  2. Radial Blur - Strong Proportional (used only on the last second)
    • Animate the Strength value from 0,000 to 1,000


  • IL Vocodex - Chord


IL Vocodex IL Vocodex effects
Configuration Stereo interlacing
Immediate AutovocodingChordedClearerElderlyFor drums 2For drumsGroupHeliumMore testosteroneOld schoolPowerRobot
Special effects Backing voicesDropletsReverb 2Reverb
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Preview 2 Effects
Original order G-Major 4CoNfUsIoNCoNfUsIoN G-Major 4Devil's BlastChordedG-MajorCrying EffectVocoded with Intel InsideDiamondG-Major 2Invert ColorRGB to BGRRGB to BGR ReversedCoNfUsIoN ReversedUntitled fifteenth Preview 2 effectSponge EffectPitch BlackCrazy Diamond
Commonly replaced effects Might Confuse YouCoNfUsIoN RGB to BGR Reversed
(main categoryview template)
Preview 1982 Effects
Original order G-Major 4CoNfUsIoNG-Major 4 + CoNfUsIoNG-Major 7G-Major 16G-Major 2G-Major 5G-Major 13Goo Goo Gaa GaaGreen LowersBlindDeafDeaf MajorBlind MajorAngryG-Major 74G-Major 9G-Major 6G-Major 1G-Major 8G-MajorG-Major 10G-Major 12G-Major 18G-Major 19G-Major 36 (2018 version)Luig GroupNot ScaryI KILLED XToo Ruins TreeLostG-Major 50G-Major 54G-Major 25Conga BusherNi Hao Kai Lan MajorChordedClearerGroupHeliumHelium ChordedHelium ClearerClearer + Chorded
(main categoryview template)